Modern Day Dads

5 of the Most Effective Plank Variations for a Killer Workout

Planks are a great workout you can do anywhere to strengthen your core, improve posture and balance, improve flexibility, and reduce back pain. On days where you can’t make it to the gym or would rather do a home workout, these five plank variations will keep you in shape.

1. Elbow Plank

This is one of the more challenging plank variations. In fact, you may find it is harder than a “pushup position” plank. Just follow these steps:

2. Side Plank

This is one of the best plank variations to strengthen your obliques. Here’s how to do the side plank safely:

3. Shoulder Tap Plank

This is one of the best plank variations to work your shoulders, arm, and chest. To get started:

4. Plank Twist

Begin this plank variation in a push-up position, and then:

5. Plank with Limb Extension

Begin this plank variation in a push-up position and then:

These plank variations will expand your workouts and help tone you faster. Try all five and in a few weeks, you may see a big difference. Being consistent is the key with these plank exercises. But the best thing is, you can do these anytime and anywhere, even in the winter.

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