Home Health 5 of the Easiest Ways to Stay Happy and Healthy This Winter

5 of the Easiest Ways to Stay Happy and Healthy This Winter

5 of the Easiest Ways to Stay Happy and Healthy This Winter
  1. Get Enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D is naturally absorbed by the body through sunlight. However, shorter days and longer nights make it nearly impossible to get enough. Although it’s important to get out in the sun when you can, taking a supplement counteracts the negative effects winter takes on your body.

But, be sure to have your doctor test your blood for your vitamin D levels and discuss the proper dosage. Too much of this vitamin can be detrimental to your health, so get professional advice first.

  1. Add Omega 3 to Your Diet

Waning sunlight and cold weather can lead many men toward feelings of depression during the winter months. But adding omega 3 fatty acids to your diet is proven to help lower levels of depression. As with any new supplement, talk to your doctor to see how much you should take.